Congratulations MRS. MATANGI SUVARNA PRIYA from Andhra Pradesh for being the Finalist of Mrs India International Queen 2021! Let’s know more about her! We interviewed Mrs. Suvarna Priya and here are her amazing answers:
Name: Matangi Suvarna Priya
Profession: Software QA Analyst
Qualification: MCA
Location: Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
Strengths: Being positive always
Weakness: Being sensitive sometimes
Likes: Listening to melody music
Dislikes: Being dull or angry
Tell us about your family:
I come from middle class family and proud of my mother and my husband who supports me through the challenges to get into success of every problem and finding the ways of the solutions. I have 2 naughty kids 1 daughter and 1 son, who are my major responsibilities to guide them for right path and guide their career in a better way.
Quotes that keep you going, motivate you:
- “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
- “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
Achievements/ Anything you are proud of yourself:
- In personal life, I got educated as per my dreams and achieved my goal.
- In professional life, I made my dreams come true step by step, and I am a respected, trustworthy and proud woman at my workplace who is leading a team of 15-20 people and handling difficult clients in my professional career as a successful person.
What is Women Empowerment according to you?
Letting women take their own decisions and ability to determine their own choices which can influence others for social changes.
Message for society:
Let’s treat women as precious, provide equal opportunities and respect to their decisions along with men in every moment of life. I would like to create awareness for child marriages, women education, gender inequality in home and workplaces.
How will you give back to society after becoming a Queen?
After becoming a Queen, I will be giving back to society by volunteering and donating my time, also I find the volunteer who had experience in working for actual social causes and mentor him/her by offering skills to work towards it, also by helping and being kind for the children in need.
Why have you participated in Mrs India International Queen?
I have participated in Mrs India International Queen to make my dreams true, this is the platform to show and prove myself as strong and confident woman and also to improve communication skills, to work with different people, and to get multiple opportunities to work with different organizations.