Congratulations MRS. YAMINI SINGH from Bhopal for being selected as a finalist of Mrs India International Queen 2022! Let’s know more about her. We interviewed Mrs. Yamini and here are her amazing answers:
Name: Yamini Singh
Profession: Legal Advisor to Dhokal Singh Farms pvt ltd. Bhopal m.p
Qualification: B.A, LL.B, LL.M
Location: Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
Strengths: My will power and my persistence towards the life goals doesn’t stop me to rest and my mother is a Power to me.
Weakness: I focus too much in details and perfectionism and I can’t say no to people.
Likes: I like to travel world and know different tribes and the culture.
Dislikes: I dislike animal cruelty and people who set boundaries for women.
Tell us about your family:
I am born and brought up in highly traditional and Rajput culture. My father is a businessman and my mother is an entrepreneur. I am married to an army officer Major Harshwardhan Rajawat.I have a beautiful daughter Pitambara. She’s 4 year old.
Quotes that keep you going, motivates you:
- “Miracle isn’t anywhere it is inside you, all you need is to light up the spark and world is yours!”
Achievements/ Anything you are proud of yourself:
I have achieved Women of Significance 2020 Award for the tribal and women welfare. I am a proud mother of a girl child.
What is Women Empowerment according to you?
According to me, Women empowerment is that women should take their own decision for the personal and social development by leaving behind boundaries of family and society.
Message for the society:
Women are architect of society. Today if we treat women right with opportunities tomorrow will be better world for entire human race. Education is greatest weapon and no weapon is greater than that.
How will you give back to society after becoming a Queen?
I will be working for an education of girl child and promoting welfare for the women and children’s rights and the privilege’s.
Why have you participated in Mrs India International Queen?
I have participated in Mrs India International Queen for my inner self that I didn’t quit and I feel proud when I look back in life.