Congratulations MRS. PRAVESH RAWAT from Goa for being the Finalist of Mrs India International Queen 2021! Let’s know more about her! We interviewed Mrs. Pravesh and here are her amazing answers:
Name: Pravesh Rawat
Profession: Teacher
Qualification: B.Sc, B.Ed and Diploma in Medical Transcription.
Location: Vasco city, Goa.
Strength: My positive attitude and my husband’s support.
Weakness: I can’t keep mum at any kind of atrocity surrounding me.
Likes: Dance, travelling, fashion and Reading books.
Dislikes: Indiscipline, ignorance.
Tell us about your family.
My parents are firm root of my life. But during this pandemic, I have lost my father. My husband works in Indian Coast Guard. He is like a diamond whose reflection makes me shine. In spite of being from typical village, he supports me in every field. My two children keep me updated about the new technology. I have a very supportive and loving family.
Quotes that keep you going, motivates you:
- Dedication, determination, hardwork and discipline are bunch of keys to unlock all the locks for me.
- If life is here, hurdles will be there, if hurdles will be there, definitely solution will be there, move ahead to find them.
- A little start with confidence, transforms into big results.
- Have faith in yourself, everything will be best.
Achievements/ Anything you are proud of yourself:
Being a teacher makes me feel proud because I am part of such a noble profession which is necessary to uplift the society and to aware people, which gives a way to all other profession.
Recently, my biggest achievement is being the finalist of Mrs India International Queen which makes me feel proud because I belong to a middle class family and transforming my dreams into reality.
What is Women Empowerment according to you?
According to me, women empowerment means to express own view without any social restrictions and to know self-worth. A woman should take decisions to fulfill her dreams and desires confidently. She must live her life in her own way and she deserves to get all the rights equally. “Breaking the hollow customs, determined to move forward are the acts that determine Today’s woman”
Message for society:
There are many issues at global level but still we are facing covid19 pandemic. I will say keep yourself healthy, maintain good hygiene and get yourself vaccinated and stop negligence.
Secondly, I want to create awareness for gender equality that is biggest issue, in villages women are ill-treated. So, give them equal rights and let them make their future bright.
Thirdly, preserve natural environment.
How will you give back to society after becoming a Queen?
I think education is only way to eradicate all social evils so after becoming a Queen I will continue work at a larger scale. For those children, who can’t go to school due to personal issues, I will help them physically, mentally and financially within my reach. Also, I will generate awareness among women to be confident and self-sufficient.
Why have you participated in Mrs India International Queen?
I have participated in Mrs India International Queen first for myself, because I want to fulfill my dream. I want to set an example for women who specially belong to small towns and villages like me that everything is possible at any age. Age is not barrier to achieve your dreams, in fact it gives strength to stand with determination.