• Mrs India 2024 finalist Dr. Snehprabha, Bangalore

Congratulations DR. SNEHPRABHA from Bangalore for being selected as a finalist of Mrs India International Queen 2024! Let’s know more about her. We interviewed Dr. Snehprabha and here are her amazing answers:

Name: Dr. Snehaprabha T V

Profession: Senior Professor in the Dept of EEE

Qualification: Master of Engineering (ME) in Power Systems, PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka.

Strengths: Strengths are often a reflection of an individual’s unique qualities and abilities, both innate and those that can be developed over time.

The strengths I would like to mention here are

Determination & Resilience:

I believe one of my strengths is Resilience-the ability to bounce back from setbacks, adversity, and difficult situations. To some extent this quality is innate in me and, it developed strongly over time. There were many setbacks and challenges in my life but I could recover quickly.

Optimism:  I have a positive outlook on life, and even in challenging situations, this contributed me a better mental and emotional well-being.

Attention to detail: The thoroughness and precision in tasks and work helped me to ensure the accuracy and completeness of work and it led to a better decision-making and problem-solving.


It’s important to note that everyone has weaknesses to some degree, and acknowledging them can be a first step towards personal growth and improvement.

Following points, I consider as my weakness

Saying “NO” to others

Saying NO is not about being negative or uncooperative; it’s about prioritizing, respecting our boundaries, and managing our resources effectively. Sometimes I fail in this aspect.

Being critical: I have a tendency to focus on details. This is usually my strength, but in wrong places, I may be perceived as over critical.

Being concerned to delegate tasks to others: This is in part relates to the above point and I worry about burdening others when I can do the task myself.

Likes: My personal preferences and interests greatly varied over the years.

✓ I enjoy classical dances and perform whenever I get an opportunity. It is my passion.

✓ I like traveling, mountain climbing, trekking, rock climbing, camping, ziplining, parasailing and many more…

✓ Though excessive sugar intake leads to multiple unhealthy conditions; I cannot resist having sweets and ice creams.

From other aspects, I like my quality of continuous learning and the quest for the same. I also like challenges and I do not say no to things that maybe outside of my comfort zone.

Dislikes: It’s important to note that dislikes are subjective, can change over time as individuals grow, adapt, and experience new things in their lives.

I do not enjoy long hours of flight journey. Swimming, and adventurous activities like Skydiving or parachuting, Scuba diving, Bungee jumping I do not enjoy.

Following are the qualities that I dislike as it gives dissatisfaction in my life.

I dislike

➢ conflict and disagreement with others, as it leads to stress and tension

➢ loneliness and social isolation, as it leads to feelings of sadness and unhappiness.

➢ witnessing or experiencing injustice, discrimination, or unfair treatment that affect one’s life or the lives of others.

Tell us about your family:

I am blessed with 2 daughters; both are doing well and I am very proud of where they are in their life. Elder one is a doctor and younger one, an Electronics engineer.

Quotes that keep you going, motivate you:

My favourite quotes:

  • A dream is not that you see while sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.
  • The world suffers a lot not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people
  • There are 2 ways of spreading light; be the candle or be the mirror that reflects the light

Achievements/ Anything you are proud of yourself:

I am very proud that I have taken BSc Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering, ME in Power Systems, EMBA in Operational Management and PhD in PE & Electrical Drives.

I got more than 40 years of teaching Experience in Electrical and Electronics Engineering field. In my long career, I have worked in various capacities like Professor, Head of the Dept. of EEE, Director –Department of Student Affairs in educational universities.

I published and presented technical papers in international /national journals, conferences and workshops. I was part of many administrative teams & organizing committees that were formed in the institute level & university level. I was the member in Internal Complaints Committee (ICC), Member Secretary and later Presiding officer where I could address the concerns of lady faculty members and staff.

I was part of many socially relevant activities, be with regard to flood victims or COVID-19 pandemic support.

I am actively involved in Women Empowerment and have delivered talks at various forums on this topic which is very close to my heart. On social front I am part of several professional and Socio-cultural associations through which I could contribute in many ways to the society.

I am a trained classical dancer and got many awards and prizes in classical dance competitions.

What is Women Empowerment according to you?

Women, like all individuals, deserve to be treated with respect and fairness, free from biases or preconceived notions based on their gender. This message underscores the importance of recognizing the inherent equality of all people, regardless of their gender, and treating each person as an individual with unique qualities, experiences, and capabilities.

To me women empowerment is that, to be the kind of individual that inspires others to overcome the biases and stereotypes that negatively attach to being a woman. 

Message for the society:

My message to society is ‘let compassion be the bridge that brings us closer together.  Discrimination has no place in our world. Let us uphold the rights of each and every individual.

How will you give back to society after becoming a Queen?

I am a woman, mother, teacher, dancer and an engineer. I would like to use these strengths to give back to society.

Women empowerment starts with education.

There is a lack of teachers, books, and basic education infrastructure, as well as lack of funding to pay for education costs of underprivileged children. Children in India are currently dealing with these fundamental difficulties which are coming in the way of their learning.

I can donate my time to the education of needy children.

  • arrange a facility near my place to provide education with the support of NGOs’
  • involve with government programmes to promote girls’ education
  • opt to work with agencies for monetary donations or for resource donations to governmental or non-governmental organisations for the welfare of unprivileged children.
  • help out to hold a fundraiser or event. We can volunteer and organize cultural programmes to raise contributions. There are many systems that are effective in using our aids for the society. Cultural programmes in turn promote our heritage.
  • Organize Cultural and sports activities and it can make the children enjoy themselves.

I would like to understand the work that the organisation behind Mrs India pageant is involved in and support their ongoing work in the areas that align with my values. I believe that sometimes the most important thing is continuing the good work that has already started by pageant organisation, so that we can achieve the goals faster.

Why have you participated in Mrs India International Queen?

My life experiences are definitely an added advantage in all area that perceive. It taught me a greater capacity for patience, emotional maturity and control. I missed many opportunities like this beauty pageants and now I want to explore all those. I serve as an inspiration to others, and shows that age should not be a barrier in pursuing one’s goals and dreams.

I too believe beauty pageants are not a platform to showcase physical beauty. It shapes you to face the world and to contribute to make it a better place to live in.

The pageant can sometimes serve as a stepping stone towards achieving those objectives

  • Qualifications and family background are not a matter here, but confidence, attitude and communication skills matter and these we gain from the training the beauty pageants platform offer.
  • We learn how to present ourself in a professional manner. When you present yourself professionally, people are more likely to believe in your expertise and it is a key to achieve goals,
  • Moreover, Pageantry gives you the opportunity to network with numerous organizations and work with them, help them spread the awareness that the world needs to do better.

My hardwork and commitment will pave way for me to win the Mrs India International Queen, through which I can make a positive influence in our society that I mentioned herewith.