Congratulations DR POORNIMA SACHI from UNITED KINGDOM for being the FINALIST at Mrs India International Queen 2020
Dr Poornima Sachi as her name suggests moonlight, enlightens the lives of people she meets. She lives in Birmingham, the heart of United Kingdom and is a Doctor from a prestigious University of Mysore.She is a blend of beauty, passion, kindness and compassion. She loves children and has been helping many schools to brighten the future of kids.
She has started her career from AIIMS, New Delhi and has worked as a Cruise Physician in Carnival Cruises, one of the biggest cruise corporation. Being a farmer’s daughter from a small village in Karnataka, she has established herself as a successful Doctor with all her hard work, dedication and love & support of her family. Nothing is impossible if you work for it.
She has been blessed with a beautiful family. Her husband is a doctor and is very much supportive, understanding and caring. She says that he is goldsmith, as he has chosen her, who is no less than gold. She describes her daughter Misha as a gem.Also, she has always been attached to her roots and has taught the real values to her daughter: respect for culture, native values and love for native language that are reflected in her daughter.
She inspires everyone to see the positivity in negative situation, declutter life and fill it with ambition, hope and cool moon light. She loves to cherish each and every moment of life & makes it special.She believes that journey of Mrs India International Queen will add another feather to her achievements.